[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”290″ alignment=”center” border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”large”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]If your accommodation is in Madrid, but you want to discover the old city of Toledo, we can offer you a day trip picking you up at your hotel.

Are you energetic? If you want to visit as much as possible, and you are not scared of walking all day, we’ll visit not only the “main attractions” but also some other monuments that are hidden in the narrow streets of the medieval city.

Full day private tour with licensed tour guide

Entrances to: Cathedral and 5 other monuments

 Itinerary (7hours):

  • Pick up at your hotel at the time that you want (we recommend around 9am)
  • Proximately 1h trip to Toledo from Madrid
  • Panoramic view
  • 4h walking tour
  • 1h lunch break
  • Proximately 1h trip to Madrid.

Monumentes visited:

We’ll see cloisters, panoramic viewpoints, the Cathedral, Santa Maria la Blanca Synagogue, Alcantara bridge, San Juan de los Reyes Monastery, Mosque of El Cristo de la Luz, etc

If you are interested in the Sephardic culture we can add a visit to the Sephardic Museum and Transito Synagogue (+3€/person)


  • Tour guide fee: 320€
  • Driver and car/minivan fee: 280€
  • Entrances to 6 monuments: 19€/person

Lunch is not included in the price, the guide would recommend a variety of restaurants.

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